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Enjoy Real-Life Vestaboard Stories in "Meet Our Customers"

November 23, 2021 / by Carolyn Nickell

We invite you to Meet Our Customers.

Around the world, in settings from home, to work, to restaurants, schools, and more, the unique uses for Vestaboard shared by customers continue to surprise and delight us.

Whether it be a message from a loved one from afar, a menu display or a celebration of one of life’s milestones, we love to see how customers use Vestaboard to inform and inspire others.

We’ve gathered some of our favorites into the new page Meet Our Customers. Be sure to subscribe and return to Meet Our Customers page frequently, because more stories will continue to be added. 


Some of our favorite stories:


Are you a customer or have you seen Vestaboard "in the wild"? To be featured in Meet Our Customers, tag us on social @vestaboard / #vestaboard, or email us your videos, pictures and/or story to support@vestaboard.com


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Tags: Customer Stories

Carolyn Nickell

Written by Carolyn Nickell

Carolyn, who manages communications, loves to help the world stay connected and inspired through Vestaboard. She also enjoys coding and playing ukulele.

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