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Entrepreneur uses Vestaboard at home to track business and delight family


Vestaboard can serve many purposes for home or for work, or a combination of both. Customer Tony Gambee, of Erie, Colorado, uses Vestaboard at home to help manage his businesses (rental properties and tech company Latitude Digital), as well as to enjoy delightful messages and greetings.

Tony says:

“Vestaboard has brought value to our home way beyond what we expected -- we use Vestaboard to keep an eye on our business throughout the day while mixing in life-giving messages and creative visuals. 

We have tried other tools for monitoring the status of our daily operations in our vacation rental business, but they always just look like an iPad on a kitchen counter with business metrics which is boring and distracting from the relaxing environment where we want to enjoy our family space.

But with Vestaboard, we came up with a visually appealing system of colors and abbreviations, and the updates throughout the day give us cool, subtle audio cues to pay attention to what has changed. This means we are getting notifications through the clicks of the flaps turning on the board instead of beeps or buzzes we are all too used to. Each time the status updates are no longer relevant, our system automatically changes the view to a random quote or other more interesting content. 

When we gather with friends in our home, they always ask about the Vestaboard and we have so much fun sharing the valuable ways it enhances our home and business. Our friends know to check it when they arrive to find birthday wishes, kind words about them -- or even silly reminders!”


Learn more about Vestaboard At Home and At Work.

Tags: Home, Work, Home Office

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