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Hear Design Better's take on Vestaboard's "fantastic" product design

December 21, 2023 / by Maddie Frame

Design Better Extended

In the latest episode of the Design Better podcast, co-hosts Eli Woolery and Aarron Walter discuss Vestaboard’s innovative and thoughtful design with our founder and CEO, Dorrian Porter. 

In a tech landscape fixated on creating highly-customized experiences, more and more people find themselves consumed, leading to feelings of isolation and disconnection. “Now there’s not really anything shared; it’s all kind of separate,” Design better notes, but “Vestaboard is a shared display.”

Simply put, the vision for the company has always been “to build products that help our customers inspire others” Dorrian explains. “How do you truly create moments that can be meaningful, and ideally, help people be present, help people think of each other?”

Listen to the full podcast here.

Tags: A&D, Press

Maddie Frame

Written by Maddie Frame

Maddie coordinates paid media marketing and manages Vestaboard’s social platforms.

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