What is Vestaboard+?

Vestaboard+ is our optional service with a library of over 380 channels, making it easier than ever to automate and manage curated content for your Vestaboard

Elevate your Vestaboard experience at home or work with Vestaboard+! Choose from 380+ channels in our optional service to create personalized content, seamlessly integrate with daily-use services, celebrate special occasions, and stay informed on what matters most while maintaining full control over scheduling and content.

Vestaboard+ is simple to set up and manage from both the mobile app and web.vestaboard.com, keeping Vestaboard showing what matters most on a schedule that works for you.

With Vestaboard+, Vestaboard owners can:

  • Create your own content to run on a schedule.
  • Find and share inspiring quotes, jokes and designs.
  • Integrate with other services you use every day.
  • Celebrate special occasions and milestones.
  • Follow the action of your favorite teams.
  • Dress for the weather.
  • Get into the season.
  • Play games and learn new things.
  • Stay informed about what shapes your day.
  • Invite friends, family or guests to engage.
  • Keep full control of what sends when.

Whether using at home or at work, find and set the perfect channels for you. Learn more about what Core vs. Plus at vestaboard.com/plus.